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"Unmasked" Book Signing Success

The first book signings and readings for Unmasked: Women Write About Sex and Intimacy After Fifty were hosted at Writers Ink in San Diego and at Carr Winery in Santa Barbara this month, and what a celebration it was! A celebration of the power and honesty of women's voices and experiences. A celebration of sex and intimacy. A celebration of a demographic and topic that often goes unnoticed. The turnout at both events was strong, revealing the public interest in engaging with these stories.

We are thankful for these women who have opened themselves to the world in this special and significant way; learn more about the authors here! And this is just the beginning! In the coming months, more readings will be arranged in California, as well as cities across the nation where contributors live. The readers who will be featured in the reading on Jan. 27, 2018, at Beyond Baroque in Venice, CA, will be Cathie Sandstrom, Brenda Yates, Alexis Rhone Fancher, Tanya Ko Hong, and Carine Topal. Stay tuned!

If you haven't ordered your copy yet, you can do so here. There's no other book like it out there - offering an inside look into the lives of over 60 women as they discuss the pleasure, complexity, and sweetness of sex after age 50. Enjoy!

If you have read it, we'd love to hear what you think! Feminist titan Gloria Steinem has given us her review:

“Sex for women after 50 is invisible for the same reason that contraception, abortion, and sex between two women or two men has been forbidden: sexuality is supposed to be only about procreation. This lie was invented by patriarchy, monotheism, racism and other hierarchies. Sexuality is and always has been also about bonding, communicating, and pleasure. ‘Unmasked’ helps to restore a human right."

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